LMKT is set to launch its android application, Agri Assistant, for the facilitation of the Department of Agriculture’s (DOA) field officers to assist them in the collection of soil samples in Punjab. The mobile application will serve as an important tool in improving the welfare of farmers and revolutionizing the agri-tech industry of Pakistan.
The mobile application enables monitoring of soil conditions in conjunction with weather forecasts to help farmers’ plan for the planting and harvest season. It is the first application of its kind in Pakistan to offer farm marking on a digitized map for real-time collection of soil samples. The application will enable DOA field officers to locate their assigned areas and mark farm boundaries specific to each farmer on the field maps. The unique bar code scanning feature will allow field assistants to assign QR codes to relevant soil samples for testing by lab assistants. The collected data including soil analysis results relevant to the specific QR code will be uploaded to the Smart Kisan web-portal directly to offer easy access. In case of limited connectivity, field officers will be able to use the application’s features offline. The data collected is synced automatically once Internet connectivity is restored which can be validated by field assistants later.
LMKT is the first company in Pakistan that is working directly with farmers to help them make better land management decisions and improve crop yields using smartphone apps.
The agriculture sector of Pakistan plays a pivotal role in its economic growth and together with agro-based products fetches 80% of the country’s total export earnings. LMKT aims to harness the benefits of ICT in agriculture to contribute towards inclusive economic growth in Pakistan by empowering farmers through innovative and sustainable solutions.